Conference Proceedings

The Second International Conference on Eco-Sustainable Construction Technologies and Materials (ICESCM-2), Turkey,Email:

All Accepted Papers will be published in UGC Listed Journals


The Second International Conference on Eco-Sustainable Construction Technologies and Materials (ICESCM-2)



Submit your Research Paper:


 Date of Conference: 24-25 November 2018


Conference Highlights:

Theme:  Green Binder Construction Technology

Traditional binder manufacturing requires craftsman, working load,working-machine, operator, and raw materials. Therefore, this manufacturing process stands for intensive working power system.

Developed construction technologies associated with nanotechnology could mitigate this period as it needs no craftsman, working-load, traditional working machine, and operator. Soon after today, green binder construction material is key importance for composite concrete structures as it is used in concrete to build such structural composite elements as dam, highway, road, pavement, column, floor, beam, foundation, and wall.

Moreover, this traditional binder manufacturing causes 10% CO2 emissiontotally in the world as it uses traditional manufacturing method. For reducing this surplus 10% CO2 emission, Construction Technologies,Nanotechnology, and Composite Materials should study collaboratively.

Replacing 30% to 50% traditional binder with industrial by-product and adding nanoparticle material makes the Green Binder Construction Technology possible and usable, and it reduces not only CO2 emission in composite concrete structures but also CO2 emission in industrial applications. The nanomaterial technology for Green Binder Construction Technology provides greater strength, durability, and more sustainable constructions building than conventional binder construction technology as it triggers binder, and creates new chemical compounds that show a strong binder chemical structure. Such needing mentioned above leads researches to find solution for Nanotechnology, Nano-manufacturing, and Nano-materials. Researches seek new binder materials to reduce this surplus emission, and to provide more sustainability, viability, and effectiveness for industrial applications and technologies. Improved sustainability can be also achieved if traffic CO2 emission is limited by reducing distance and promoting the use of by-products as well as lightning functional nanomaterials.


Research Paper in absentia is also acceptable.

All Accepted Papers will be published in UGC Listed Journals


Mode of Research Paper Presentation:

 1. Author can directly Present paper and attend at the venue or

2. Author(s), those fail to attend the conference can send the power point presentation of maximum 10 slides on


 Important Dates:


Submission deadline of full abstract

June 15, 2018

Submission deadline of full manuscript

October 13, 2018

Review and revise period

October, 15 - November 16, 2018

Notification of manuscript acceptance

November, 16-24, 2018


Publication of some selected excellent manuscript will be published by international and intercontinental peer-reviewed SCI, ESCI, and SCI-Expanded journals after conference


Original ICESCM2 proceedings indexed by Google Scholar, SCOPUS,ESCI, and CPCI of WOS will be published after the conference is completed and all manuscripts is reviewed by independent reviewers


Registration and Online Manuscript Submission Guide

Registration and online manuscript submission is available in the conference website at:

 *Registration information will be posted to the corresponding author after the manuscript submitted is accepted by international reviewers.  

*Registration is only

€150+VAT+EFT fee per paper for one author,

€100+VAT+EFT fee per paper for one student author, and

€75+VAT+EFT fee for one listener

Maximum three authors in one research paper

If More than three authors, each author will be added with additional €100+VAT+EFT.

 All the accepted and presented papers of the duly registered authors will be published in the special conference issues of the following international journals 

·                     Every author will get two certificates, one for paper publication in Journal other for paper presentation      in conference.

·                     Registration kit for each papers those will attend the conference at venue.

·                     All the papers of the conference will be published in the conference proceeding with    ISBN

·                     There will be proper arrangement of lunch and high tea. 


Topics Covered:

Topics Covered (But are not limited in the Theme)

All Branches of Engineering, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Environment, Mathematics etc) & Humanities


* Construction Technologies,

* Nanotechnology,

 * Green Binder Materials,

 * Composite for Infrastructure Renewal,

* Performance related Testing for Composite,

* Industrial By-Product for Green Binder,

 * Lightweight Composite,

 * Nanomaterials,

* Reuse,

 * Recycle,

 * Saving energy,

 * Sustainability.



Best Paper Award

Best Outstanding papers from each technical session.

 Oral Best Presentations from each technical session.


Looking forward for your presence at the Conference


Thanks & Regards

Conference Team 


Mob: (+91) 9759005373, 9540270460, 7830301515 

What’s App: (+91)9759005373, 783301515